Palliative care in intensive care
Palliative care in patients with advanced cancer is a key tool to optimize medical care and improve quality of life.
This study aims to evaluate the impact of implementing palliative care in critically ill patients with advanced cancer and its influence on reducing the use of intensive care therapies.
Using a multicenter ambispective cohort design, we analyzed data from patients admitted to intensive care units in multiple hospitals in Argentina. We evaluated the relationship between palliative care consultation and the use of invasive therapies , such as mechanical ventilation, parenteral nutrition, dialysis, and tracheostomy.
The findings of this study could contribute to improving the integration of palliative care in the ICU, optimizing medical decision-making, and reducing the burden of aggressive interventions in patients with advanced cancer.
Investigador principal:
Javier Osatnik
Centros Hospitalarios con Comité de Ética aprobado
Estado del proyecto:
Statistical analysis
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